PDF Ebook Remix Strategy: The Three Laws of Business Combinations (Harvard Business School Press), by Benjamin Gomes-Casseres
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Remix Strategy: The Three Laws of Business Combinations (Harvard Business School Press), by Benjamin Gomes-Casseres

PDF Ebook Remix Strategy: The Three Laws of Business Combinations (Harvard Business School Press), by Benjamin Gomes-Casseres
Remix Strategy: The Three Laws Of Business Combinations (Harvard Business School Press), By Benjamin Gomes-Casseres . Erfreut beim Lesen! Das ist genau das, was wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass wie das Lesen so deutlich sagen wollen. Genau das, was in Bezug auf Dir, die diesen Lese Anspruch ist nur Engagement? Kümmern Sie sich nicht, muss die Überprüfung der Praxis aus einigen bestimmten Gründen gestartet werden. Einer von ihnen ist die Überprüfung durch Engagement aus. Als das, was wir unten anbieten wollen, mit dem Titel Guide Remix Strategy: The Three Laws Of Business Combinations (Harvard Business School Press), By Benjamin Gomes-Casseres ist nicht das benötigte E-Book geben. Sie können diese Publikation genießen Remix Strategy: The Three Laws Of Business Combinations (Harvard Business School Press), By Benjamin Gomes-Casseres zu überprüfen.
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2016 Axiom Business Book Silver Award in ECONOMICS
a practical, up-to-date guide for business managers trying to keep pace or stay ahead” Strategic Alliance MagazineGomes-Casseres, a Brandeis professor, deconstructs both successful alliances
and unsuccessful ones
with the goal of helping any business leader increase the chances of making a partnership work.” BizEd magazineRemix Strategy provides an important set of tools for firms looking to build and manage new combinations of capabilities through new partnerships.” Andrew Hargadon, Strategy + LeadershipAdvance Praise for Remix Strategy:Nigel Sheail, Head of Business Development & Licensing, Bayer Healthcare AGRemix Strategy provides a clear framework focused on value creation that will support managers working with business combinations at all stages. An entertaining read that will benefit everyone working in business partnerships.”Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Professor, Harvard Business School; author, MOVE, Supercorp, and ConfidenceThe ideas in Remix Strategy are creative, unique, and perhaps transformative. Today’s dynamic, shape-shifting business environment requires companies to acquire, divest, merge, ally, and partner, whether to innovate or just survive. This useful book reveals the fundamental laws of collaboration that lead to success.”Martin Fleming, Chief Economist and Vice President, Business Performance Services, IBM CorporationA fascinating roadmap to creating and capturing value through business combinations. Gomes-Casseres provides the tools you need to identify, govern, and share joint value.”Steve Steinhilber, Vice President, Industry Solutions Partner Ecosystems, Cisco Systems, Inc.; author, Strategic AlliancesA powerful paradigm for prospering in a rapidly changing environment, rooted in three critical tools to evaluate and develop strategic business options. Gomes-Casseres shows how these tools can be applied with practical, real-world examples.”Russ Buchanan, Vice President, Worldwide Alliances, Xerox Corporation; Chairman Emeritus, Association of Strategic Alliance ProfessionalsThe first book to explain the critical concepts behind successful business combinationsand provide immediately actionable insights.”Mike Bellissimo, Enterprise Vice President, Humana Inc.Whether you are an investor assessing the value of a business combination, a director reviewing the firm’s alliance strategy, or an executive considering a partnership, Remix Strategy gives you the tools to understand and unlock value.”Ashok Krishna, Vice President of Downstream and Chemicals Technology, Chevron Corporation"A terrific book with lots of insights and management tools, valuable to business leaders everywhere."Cees Bijl, Head of Emerging Business Areas and Head of Group Strategy and Alliances, Philips International BVAn excellent perspective on the role of alliances in strategy execution and ecosystem development. Gomes-Casseres’ three fundamental rules equip leaders for a future in which collaboration between businesses is essential for survival.”
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Benjamin Gomes-Casseres is an expert in alliance strategy and a professor at the International Business School, Brandeis University. He has been studying, teaching, and consulting on business combinations for thirty years. He is the author of two books, The Alliance Revolution and Mastering Alliance Strategy, and of articles, cases, and videos on how companies create value from external resources. To learn more about the ideas and tools in this book, visit remixstrategy.com.
Gebundene Ausgabe: 304 Seiten
Verlag: Harvard Business Review Press (4. August 2015)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9781422163085
ISBN-13: 978-1422163085
ASIN: 1422163083
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
15,2 x 3 x 23,6 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 42.990 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Using practical examples, the author demonstrates the plethora of business combinations that can form the basis of your remix strategy. The concept of remix is widely used in the media world, combining bits and pieces from a range of media to form something new and exciting but it's also a great way to describe today's business combinations. The concept of a remix strategy is a brilliant articulation of the mixing of resources, assets and capabilities of one organization with those of another to create value.If you are involved in business combinations as an advisor or as a principal, you will find the management tools peppered throughout the book very helpful. The book explains how to achieve success with a remix strategy by following three important laws:#1 the value created by the combination should exceed the total value that would be generated by the players acting alone.#2 the combination must be designed and managed to realize this joint value.#3 each participant must earn a return sufficient to justify the investment.Remix Strategy combines both robust academic research and practical hands-on advice. Business combinations do not have a great track record of success but armed with these templates and rules, your odds of achieving value should be greatly improved.
This is great book, very practical guide for value creation in the modern global economy. Awesome job, prof. Gomes-Casseres. Dr.Nikola Perovic, Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai
As Benjamin Gomes-Casseres observes in the first chapter, “Although the remixing of businesses is not a new phenomenon, we have not previously recognized full how to use it to advance strategy. The real issue is not whether you should be looking outside your walls for resources. The question is how are these ventures going to enhance your competitive position? How will they create value? And how are you going g to capture that value? Whether you are at the top of the company driving the remix, in the middle managing an acquisition or a partnership, or among the operating ranks keeping the pieces humming, you need to know the answers such questions.â€Gomes-Casseres offers a three-law framework within which to create, strengthen, and then sustain a successful business combination: “First, it must have the potential to create an amount of [begin italics] joint value [end italics] in that market that exceeds the total value that would degenerated by the same resources without the combination…Second, the way the combination is designed and managed must enable you to actually create the joint value…Third, each party involved in the com bin attain must earn a share of the joint value produced — a profit — that provides the incentive for the party to commit its resources to the joint effort…Furthermore, you need to remindful of the relationships between all of these laws.â€Although Gomes-Casseres calls them â€laws,†they are in fact realities, indeed necessities, that must be taken into full account. With regard to the process — identify potential joint value, govern the collaboration, and share the value created — he quickly identifies the “What,†then devotes the bulk of his attention to explaining the “How.†He also points out that it remains for each reader to determine what is most relevant in the material provided and then modify in ways and to the extent that are appropriate to the given enterprise.Many (most?) organizations now face or will soon face a major challenge, in two parts: whether or not to combine internal and external resources; in that event, how to formulate a remix strategy to drive that combination and, meanwhile, make that strategy part of everyday business thinking and operations. It is important to keep in mind that a remix strategy will have a significant impact on decisions that must be made in five key areas: strategy, competitive advantage, governance, change and innovation, and ROI. Years ago, someone whose name is unknown to be suggested that managing computer programmers resembles “herding cats.†Based on what Gomes-Casseres shares in this book, managing those who pursue a remix strategy would probably resemble herding kangaroos on steroids.These are among the several dozen passages of greatest interest and value to me, also listed to suggest the scope of his coverage in Chapters 1-6:o Why Business Combinations Are Now Vital (Pages 9-14)o The Three Laws (14-21)o How to Use the Three Law Model (22-23)o The Relationship Spectrum (32-39)o Visualizing Your Relational Footprint (48-50)o Value Creation in Combination (56-59)o The Five Main Sources of Joint Value (65-70)o Divestments: The Mirror Image of Combinations (78-79o Three Relationship Models (87-93)o Tools for Alliance Design (107-116)o Rivalry Remains, Despite Collaboration (118-121)o How to Manage Co-opetition (130-136)o An Approach to Managing Your Share of Value (144-147)o Competition Between Bundles of Assets (154-156)o Joint Value Potential in Constellations (158-172)o Governance of Constellations (172-186)Also, be sure to check out “Complete Collection of Remix Strategy Tools†(Pages 219-241). This material all by itself is worth far most than the purchase price of the book in which it appears. Of course, obviously, the value of the 20 management “Tools†will be determined almost entirely by how effectively they are used when mastered and adapted to the given situation. “In reality, every business combination involves complexities theater not covered by these tools — regulations, legal frameworks, cultural considerations, personal, cities, and the like. As you navigate these complexities, these tools will help you stay focused on the strategic goal of creating value for your business.â€I cannot think off a better way to create value for a business than to create value for the clients and customers it is privileged to serve. Many years ago, when asked to explain the extraordinary success of Southwest Airlines, its then chairman and CEO, Herb Kelleher, replied, “ We take great care of our people, they take great care of our customers, and our customers take great care of our shareholders.â€When concluding his book, Benjamin Gomes-Casseres reminds his reader, “What matters most, though, is what you ultimately make of the ideas in this book. Recombine these ideas with your own and with those of outgrew [such as Kelleher]. The theme of this book applies not just to business strategy. Mixing and matching is a way of life in the arts, in invention and innovation, and in personal life. The real value of this book for you will emerge from your own remix.†There’s your challenge…and, yes, your opportunity.
This book is a landmark contribution to strategy design in the age of universal connectivity and mix-and-max business models. The author is one of the world's experts at alliance strategy.The book is clear, well-written, compelling and actionable. Bravo! The Remix Strategy is about joining your resources with those of others, and doing it in a clever, workable and powerful manner. It is about how to design combinations of resources--the author calls them "constellations".In order to make powerful constellations, a leader iterates through various possible combinations. The goal is threefold. First, you need to make a combination that is greater than the sum of its parts. Second, you need to do it in a fashion that can be coordinated and led effectively. And third, you need to work out a way to share the rewards.These three laws are simple, but not easy to achieve. The brilliance of the book is showing how these three principles can be used to evaluate a vast range of creative combinations. By making iteration after iteration, you become smarter. You put in your 10,000 hours of strategizing, to paraphrase Malcolm Gladwell.What makes the book a landmark is that it makes the concept of group competition, configuration, ecosystems absolutely clear and convincing. The author demonstrates that beyond nuances of language, there are facts of strategy and economics that require a configuration and reconfiguration approach to strategy and leadership.The author demonstrates conclusively that configurations of companies and resources compete with other configurations. He proves it with argument, with cases, and--which is unusual--by building on a mass of directly relevant academic research. The author shows the unambiguous importance of group-with-group competition in competitive strategy.The book will be very helpful to business school students of strategy and leadership. The author takes the "Resources" school of thought in strategy. The resources school of strategy focuses on whether and how resources are key to the competitive advantage of the firm. The author shows that research demonstrates that connections and configurations of resources are central. This, to me, can help members of the research community embrace configurations and networks and see how to conduct future research that extends our understanding of this unit of competition and evolution.
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Remix Strategy: The Three Laws of Business Combinations (Harvard Business School Press), by Benjamin Gomes-Casseres PDF