Free Download Tropic of Capricorn (Penguin Modern Classics), by Henry Miller
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Tropic of Capricorn (Penguin Modern Classics), by Henry Miller

Free Download Tropic of Capricorn (Penguin Modern Classics), by Henry Miller
Tropic Of Capricorn (Penguin Modern Classics), By Henry Miller . Auschecken macht man sich viel besser. Welche Staaten? Mehrere intelligente Worten behaupten , dass durch das Lesen, sicherlich Ihr Leben viel besser sein wird. Denkst du das? Ja, es beweisen. Wenn Sie das Buch Tropic Of Capricorn (Penguin Modern Classics), By Henry Miller müssen die intelligenten Worte zu bestätigen , um zu überprüfen, können Sie diese Webseite vollständig besuchen. Dies ist die Website , die alle Bücher sicherlich bieten wird, die am ehesten die Sie benötigen. Sind die Sammlungen des Buches , das Sie wirklich interessiert fühlen werden auschecken? Einer von ihnen unten ist das Tropic Of Capricorn (Penguin Modern Classics), By Henry Miller , die wir auf jeden Fall vorschlagen werden.
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American Literature begins and ends with the meaning of what Miller has done (Lawrence Durrell)The only imaginative prose-writer of the slightest value who has appeared among the English-speaking races for some years past (George Orwell)The greatest American writer (Bob Dylan)There is nothing like Henry Miller when he gets rolling... One has to take the English language back to Marlowe and Shakespeare before encountering a wealth of imagery equal in intensity... a wildwater of prose, a cataract, a volcano, a torrent, an earthquake... a writer finally like a great athlete, a phenomenon of an avatar of literary energy (Norman Mailer)Henry is like a mythical animal. His writing is flamboyant, torrential, chaotic, treacherous, and dangerous (Anais Nin)
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Henry Miller (1891-1980) is one of the most important American writers of the 20th century. His best-known novels include Tropic of Cancer (1934), Tropic of Capricorn (1939), and the Rosy Crucifixion trilogy (Sexus, 1949, Plexus, 1953, and Nexus, 1959), all published in France and banned in the US and the UK until 1964. He is widely recognised as an irreverent, risk-taking writer who redefined the novel and made the link between the European avant-garde and the American Beat generation.
Taschenbuch: 320 Seiten
Verlag: Penguin Classics; Auflage: 01 (4. Juni 2015)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0141399147
ISBN-13: 978-0141399140
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,9 x 1,8 x 19,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.1 von 5 Sternen
8 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 56.507 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
I first read Tropic of Capricorn nearly 30 years ago as a freshman in college. Tropic of Cancer was "interesting," but "Capricorn" blew my mind and turned me on to a realm of writing and chronicling of personal experience that influenced me more than any other work of literature I have ever read. This book is a comic (and cosmic) masterpiece on many levels. It is also a vicious social commentary of the times and culture (the 1920's in New York City). More than anything, it is a vibrant work of literature, a lusty and no-holds-barred celebration of the human spirit with all its faults and foibles.. Check out Norman Mailer's commentary on Henry Miller and "Capricorn" in the chapter "The Advocate" in his book The Prisoner of Sex. Likewise, check out Erica Jong's "The Devil at Large." Henry Miller is one of the greatest and most misunderstood writers this country has ever produced. Perhaps it's unfortunate he'll never be taught at anything but the college level (if he's taught at all); but then, again, I wouldn't offer Courvoisier to a highschool sophomore. Some tastes require maturity, but Miller's writing is one I'm glad I had a few years under my belt before diving into it.
I first read this book when I was 16. Today, I'm 30 but I still manage to read it every two or three years to remind myself to be true to my feelings. Miller's writings, in general, are autobiographical. Some of the events have actually occurred while some are his dreams/visions. However, all are real to the man and real to most anyone who truly knows themself. There's no candy-coating here. Some reviewers see only the sexuality of the book. While that's certainly a great portion of the book it isn't what the book is about. It's about being who we want to be and freeing ourselves from the reigns of "normality" and confinement. That's why it's so disturbing. He expresses himself through his character and the characters around him. He mocks society and himself simultaneously. He is truly "human". My one desire, if I should ever be able to fulfill it, would be to write a novel that's worth ten percent of what this one is. Miller is the best friend one could possibly want to have because he doesn't cover-up his intentions.
Capricorn is an absolutely unique and shattering novel. Miller's ability to write with great cynicism and bitterness about modern life and then instantly plunge to the deepest depths of the philosophy of being is astonishing. At times speaking in a kind of psychobabble, a line or two of this prose/poetry is sometimes enough for one sitting. A bitter novel about the death of the spirit amidst the inevitable continuation of life, Tropic of Capricorn is Miller's masterpiece and one of the twentieth century's greatest works.
It's fascinating and a wonderful read but most people won't enjoy the anti-America commentary and many women find the graphic sexual content offensive. It is also not a masterpiece as far as a plot. For the most part it doesn't really have one. I, myself, throughly enjoyed reading it for about 3/4 of the book but after awhile I began to lose interest in the character.
As I began this book I feared that I would emerge jaded and hateful of humanity. I should have known better; Miller goes deeper than that. I don't understand most of this book, but that's alright. As Miller describes to the reader a favorite book of his that he never quite understood, one is compelled to laugh out loud for valuing understanding so much. He reminds us that those who understand have allowed themselves to settle. Only the confused will struggle on.
This book was way ahead of it's time. Written in the 1930's and banned for almost 30 years, it sounds like something written only yesterday.Miller is an amazing writer with real vision, insight and madness. The James Joyce of America. The book grabs you and holds you from page one. It's a true masterpiece.
In my opinion, it is essential that any budding writer read any Henry Miller book they can find. One of my personal favourites is Tropic of Capricorn. The amazing joy that i find in his words constantly dumbfounds me. To me, this book is not so much about a story, but about the genius of this man who so succsessfully marries prose with poetry.
i've read several books of henry's,but it's the very best coz i'm moved by what he said,so frank so grey so sentimentaland so good. sometimes i jsut forget he wrote it so long time ago,his work is everygreen,so to speak.
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